Worm Gearboxes and Special Reducers - Piemme

Transmission organs | Industrial automations
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Worm Gearboxes

This large family of reducers includes WORM GEARBOXES created according to the latest production criteria and with 16 NiCr4 special steel worms undergoing heat treatments like case-hardening and carburizing before being thoroughly ground on threads and tangs. The worm wheels are made of high mechanical properties CuAl10Fe2-C bronze-aluminium. Centre distances obtainable from 28 to 250 mm with an up to 1/10000 ratio, also available equipped with torque limiter.
Special reducers

This denomination includes reducers with special characteristics, such as gearboxes with integrated torque limited unit, double output worm gearboxes, helical worm gearboxes for high reductions and self-powered motors.
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